Friday, March 6, 2009

We gave Dade a piece of paper, since he was reading Jerry's cup at the table after dinner, and he began to write some words. The usual favorite of Harlie's is her name, so she always asks him to write it for her. Jerry's cup had IOWA HAWKEYES on it, so Dade wrote that quite a few times. ('Hawkeyes' and about five more 'Iowa's' are on the other side.) I think the other words are Tigger and Pooh. Of course we love that he likes to spell Jeep and underneath he writes 4x4. More to come, I'm sure. He loves to write and spell. He wants to skip all the other stuff when we do 'schoolwork.' I'm trying to get him to hold his pencil/pen/crayon the correct way, but so far no luck. He likes to hold it in his fist... Any advice would be appreciated!
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Harlie's 3rd birthday. I took Harlie to the Salon for the first time. She got her nails painted, and then her first hair cut. We only trimmed a little, but it was fun to say we did. They even curled it with an iron! You can see on the lower left the before and after, left and right. She was a little nervous at first, but recieved a pink comb for doing a good job. We picked a Hot Pink for nail polish, and loved it so much we had to go buy some for ourselves. She must have watched very closely, for later that week she brought in a blade of grass and pretended to paint her nails, being very careful with the "bottle," ie: the stop light lego. (bottom right) Her concertration was too cute.
All in all, it was very successful! We had a blast, because after all... It was GIRL TIME!
Happy GOLDEN Birthday, Harlie!
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Our little pianists. Summer 2008
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